March 31, 2020


Dear World,

Allow me to introduce myself. I'm just your average eighteen year old. Okay I take that back. I'm no one special though. Just another girl in the world. I'm a senior in high school. Due to the Covid-19, No graduations... Call me Ash.

Last January, so that's January 25th, 2019, my Great Grandma Jean passed away. If she lived two more years, she'd be ninety-six today. Happy Birthday Grandma Jean! earlier this year I wrote a monologue, it goes like this:

Great grandma, I didn't realize what I had until you were gone. When I knew you, you were always there when I needed you. I can't tell you how much I love you, and miss you. Do you remember when I was younger and you used to let me come over and swim at your pool, and when I was done, you would wrap that red blanket around me to keep me warm? I always thought of you of that grandma from the fairy tales that everyone wished they had. But no one could compare to you. I think about you, even still, I wish you were here. But just when I want to talk to you I have to remember that you're not coming back. I saw you at the funeral. You didn't speak to anyone. You were just there. But we saw you. We said hi, and told you things. And I cried, because you were so silent. And at that moment, when I said goodbye, I realized that you weren't answering, because you weren't even there. You're up there..way in the sky. Watching over me. And I guess that made me feel better. And I know that was January 2019, but it feels like just yesterday. I know you don't want me to be sad, and be happy, but I can't help it. I miss you. You always knew how to cheer me up. And I know that with everything I accomplish you'll smile down on me. And everything I mess up on, you'll help guide me in a sense, and help me accomplish those things. I want to be just like you. Well, without your cartoon voice, but I want to be as great as you were. Do you think that's possible? Wait, what am I saying? You probably can't hear me. Great grandma, I almost forgot. I almost forgot that you're-you're-you're....that you're dead....

But even through death, you're in alive in our hearts, minds, and dreams. Happy Birthday! Love you!!

Anyway back to everything else. Dear World, I've been thinking a lot about the future and everything, and I've come to a realization. We spend so much time worrying about the outcome of the future, that we go crazy, and we don't pay attention to the present. Take the Covid-19 for instance. Toilet Paper, Hand Sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, Paper towels. Its just all going by so fast. People are hoarding these supplies, and it's insane because they're thinking about themselves and how they're going to survive. I am actually glad for this quarantine, because people can take that time to reflect on how serious this is becoming, and how they've become in this short period of time. They say we're going into a new depression, what do we do now? We can't raid the stores like it's the purge, we have our social distancing to maintain. I think people are scared of getting the Corona virus, so they're staying inside and worrying about the future, their future. And is that such a bad thing? No. You can argue and say we are the future, but if that's true, then who's living th present? 

Until next time...


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